
17 years old and loving it!!!
My parents - or must I rather say my mom and step-dad think they can tell me what to do and who to be
involved with!

What do they know? I know what my heart wants!
I know what I like … I am 17 years old and not stupid!
Life is what you make off it … and I will not make the same mistakes my parents did! 

I will not listen to them!

This generation is different to their generation - this is not 1910 anymore! Things have changed 

Mom says if we hug and kiss then soon there will be an unwanted pregnancy … Well then I will go on the pill…
it is for free from the clinic anyway. (clever hey! - and then my skin will get better too!)
Mom says I must first go study before getting involved with men!! Ha ha haaaa -

I can do both - getting involved is part of life … I can study and be involved ...
I will pass grade 12 and be in a relationship!! If she could not do … well … I can!
I am young and full of energy … I can … I will show them .. Mom and Dad!
They will see I am not a little girl anymore .. I can go out and do my thing and study and pass :-) 
I can do what I want .. I am 17!! Nearly 21 then they cannot tell me what to do anymore!! Yippee!

18 years old and loving it!!!

So I passed grade 12!!! And I was in a serious relationship!! See I said I can!! And I did!!
I am not going to study, my boyfriend says we must get married and I agree with him. I can work …
earn money … and be with by love … I love him sooooooo much!!! He is just the man for me!!

I am getting my drivers licence just before turning 19 - yippee - my husband-to-be helped me and I passed ...
what will I do without him!!?? I love him so much! 

How can Mom and Dad say he is not the right guy for me!? What do they know! I know him better than they
do - they just see him when he fetches me - and a chat now and then. I know him much better - chilling
together and everything :-)

He buys me stuff and treats me so well - just now and then he has a tiff with friends or family, but he is such
a cool guy and I love him! Nooo … Mom and Dad do not know what they are talking about.. I know I am
right and to be with him is so nice