
25 Years old and not loving it!!!
Will he ever be happy without the guidance of his Father in his life? 
Does he NEED a Father in his life? 
Only time will tell … I think he will be okay growing up without a Dad in his life :-)
I will be his Mommy and his Daddy - I will teach him what his Daddy cannot teach him.
At 3 years old he is such a blessing!! I love my son sooo much. I will never let him down … never ever.
But a tragedy struck him just after his birthday :-( … he ran out of rebellion away from me because I did not
want to 
buy him a soda and he ran in front of a vehicle … he flew meters through the air !!! 
Lying on the hot tar road with a crowd around him!!! I ran away and shouted God help me! God help me!
My son is dead!!
Mom was with us today, she has first aid … she kept calm and checked him thoroughly … he is not dead ,
just unconscious, not a broken neck or arms but has a broken pelvis and upper leg broken!! 
My son!!! I am so sorry!! What pain you must be going through! Why are you so rebellious?
Why ? … 
I am driving with him in the ambulance … he is still unconscious … just pipes and needles and all kinds of things
that the medics attach to him!!! Oh … my baby!!! God!!! Please help!!!